November News

November News

Do you get chilled easily, and your eyes water as the weather cools and wind swirls? That cold wind on the head and neck can often lead to headaches, migraines and even contribute to lowering our immunity. I’d like to take this newsletter opportunity to explain a bit...
Are the Dark Days Getting You Down?

Are the Dark Days Getting You Down?

As we transition into the darker, colder days, it is common for mental health to become more challenging. Acupuncture is a helpful tool to ease the transition and support your mental and emotional health during challenging times. Acupuncture promotes relaxation and...
Reflexology is so Much more than a Foot rub

Reflexology is so Much more than a Foot rub

Reflexology is so Much more than a Foot rub! Have you heard the term Reflexology and wondered what it meant?  Do you like foot rubs and think that Reflexology might be a good option for you?  Have you ever wondered why points in the hands and feet are so...

Eating For the Season Fall 2019

Fall is the season to build our immunity, and strengthen the organs of Lung and Large Intestine.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine the two organs are considered to be of the metal element and the season of metal is autumn. It is also the season where many viruses start...

Acupuncture Treatment

About Acupuncture Acupuncture is a holistic health technique that stems from Traditional Chinese Medicine practices in which trained practitioners stimulate specific points on the body by inserting thin needles to specific depths. The needles, as thin as a human hair,...