
How Emotions Affect Your Body

How Emotions Affect Your Body

In TCM we are taught how emotions affect various body parts. This may come as news to you, yet our language has many references to it such as: "they were so afraid they peed their pants" which translates to fear weakening the kidneys so much that urine could not be...

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Flourishing Health Business News

Flourishing Health Business News

They say that the first 2 years of a Business are the hardest...  This month marks Flourishing Health clinics' anniversary number three!  I am thrilled to tell you not only have we survived those first  tough couple of years, we...

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Fall News From Flourishing Health

Fall News From Flourishing Health

As the autumn equinox is near I wanted to reach out with some fall news, and health tips to optimize the season for each past client of Flourishing Health that opts to read the newsletter.   First big news that I am excited to announce is that "we" are...

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Does Spring Break Have you Dreaming of Soft Sandy Beaches?

Does Spring Break Have you Dreaming of Soft Sandy Beaches?

The picture below is a beach I found along the Kootenay River recently. It was a soft place to decompress and savour a spring afternoon while contemplating that old saying that the only constant is change. Someone famous once warned “beware the ides of March”. Thanks...

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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Quality food = Increased Health!

Quality food = Increased Health!

I recently completed a life shifting course.  Some of you may guess it was further study in  Aromatherapy, or perhaps TCM tongue  Diagnosis, or Organic Gardening, or the more challenging  topic of how to embrace new normals, what...

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Speaking From the Heart…

Speaking From the Heart…

Speaking From the Heart… February is often considered Heart month.  Perhaps this association is from marketers promoting gifting your loved ones with a Valentine’s Day cards or trinkets.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine, however, the Heart is referred to as the...

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November News

Hello, and here is hoping your autumn is rolling along nicely.  It seems winter always crowds autumn in our part of the world, with frost, snow and ice arriving before all the leaves have fallen.  Our acclimatization to the colder temperatures may not...

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