They say that the first 2 years of a Business are the hardest… This month marks Flourishing Health clinics’ anniversary number three! I am thrilled to tell you not only have we survived those first tough couple of years, we thrived. Now at year three, I am doing some evaluating and fine tuning of the Biz. It is my hope and plan to build a better website, continue offering a variety of health treating and enhancing services, then move ahead with more health promoting short courses. A couple of exciting weekends of learning and experiencing healthy living opportunities are also in the works! All of the above mentioned various hats I love to wear, rather feel like eating an elephant. From my past experiences of other big undertakings, I have learned to just keep taking the bite sized pieces. Eventually the details all get addressed and viola things get accomplished. Ones health may also be viewed like this elephant eating comparison. Often a patient with serious or multiple health challenges asks or ponders “what can be done for me with this complex history or challenges I am facing?” The answer is to take a first step of making an initial appointment for a consultation, next provide all the relevant info to give us a clear picture of your health history, and then commit to taking multiple steps over numerous weeks, perhaps even months to work together to gradually rebuild good health, while minimizing discomforts. Often acupuncture is very effective at addressing a pain situation in a relatively few number of treatments, yet if you also have digestive problems, hormone imbalances, or are recovering from a illness, surgery or have an auto immune disease humming along in the background, more treatments may be recommended and necessary, to aid the body in restoring that balance of good health, that is desired. Along the way to that state of balance, health may have a few ups and downs. Do not be discouraged by this it is just part of a healing journey. Also just like a car that we keep on the road as long as possible, our bodies need maintenance and run smoother with good clean fuel! So as we head into the home stretch of winter 2022, take time for premium fuel of an optimal diet, and give us a shout for the dose of maintenance we can assist with. We continue to offer both day time and evening appointments and will be all set for direct billing again on March 1, 2022. Thanks so much for being part of a successful and thriving first 3 years of business in the wonderful Columbia Valley and here is to many more years to come, enhancing and optimizing health of its residents including you. Healthy Regards, Heather Fischbuch RAc, RA, RP, RMT(Ab) Lanna Burgess RAc |
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