I am having an unusual opportunity this week. The opportunity is to use what I have been preaching for the past 25 months on myself.
Yes I have contracted the mild omicron version of the corona virus.
Many in my community preceded me with this variant and I dolled out diet therapy advice, sent videos of which acupoints to apply essential oils to, suggested what doses of which vitamins or supplements to support recovery , and even delivered herbs to door steps when needed.
For the past 30 or so years, I have used the insurance policy approach of taking a variety of supplements for my genetic dispositions needs, the bugs circulating each season, and my varying stress or exertion levels taken into account. I even had a health food store for about 4 years and did a 10 year science project with the Alberta Government on essential oils and Aromatherapy, to develop this repertoire further.
My essential oil stash is collected from 5 continents, and includes over 150 oils I know and love, and teach about. From proactively using these insurance policy tools I had sincerely hoped that my immune system would take a pass to the widely publicized corona virus. I also choose to receive 2 doses of the MRNA serum as a calculated reduction in transmissibility to my elderly parents or clients. For now I am taking an unplanned seasonal break for this week, to isolate & will return to my beloved work when the much appreciated rapid tests, now available, show that I’m no longer contagious, and my energy has returned.
Despite all these factors, I am now nursing a sore throat and achy body on day 3 of the journey through it. I am using daily doses of home made soup, acupuncture points and essential oil blends, as well as large doses of Vitamin d, c, and zinc (and a handful of those other genetic disposition herbs and supplements mentioned above).
I want someone to pet my hair and tell me stories, yet Netflix and weird fevered dreams in my frequent naps are doing their part to keep my spirits up. My increased empathy to all the clients, friends or family that reached out with these or other symptoms of this wacky virus.
I will dredge up the needed energy to finish this little blog post with gratitude that I live in this time of so much knowledge of the human body and medicine with advances or new findings being made constantly. Gratitude also to the increasing acceptance of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the herbal medicines of my French and German Grandmothers that I learned from. Plant medicines that can support and relieve in gentle yet profound ways.
Gratitude to this little resilient body of mine, that she is getting through this virus, and that I can laugh at the weird fever dreams, knowing I will survive to continue to support my own, as well as others’ health, in the best ways I know how! Using nutrition first, quality sleep, positive state of mind, depth of relationships, fresh air and exercise, herbal allies to lean on and of course acupuncture combined with massage to smooth out the rough patches: health will prevail.
Healthy regards, Heather
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