Is Anyone Hungry? What should we eat?
It seems like I am hungrier in the winter, are you the same? Perhaps it is to cope with the cold weather of our lovely, and seasonally diverse, Canadian climate. Perhaps it is to fuel our bodies for all those great outdoor activities, of skiing, skating, hockey or tobogganing that happen in this season. Perhaps it is because we are inside to get away from the cold and snow, are a tad stressed out by it, and may be stress eating due to all that winter stress!
Whatever the reason I encourage you to be very selective about your food for so many good reasons. Someone very wise and famous by the name of Hippocrates once said “Let Food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. I am in big agreement with that statement! My favourite course during my recent 4 years of studying Traditional Chinese Medicine was Diet Therapy. From this learning I bring some food counselling and coaching to each and every one of my treatments. Yes even if you are there for a massage or reflexology session we may talk about food too. The suggestions may range from a gentle nudge of “less cold food like ice cream or smoothies in the winter please”, to a full on food review with lists of foods to include and foods to avoid emailed to a client.
In TCM each food, spice and herb has been studied to find the organs and meridians that the item of food impacts. I for one did not know that my love of chai tea, with those lovely warming spices of ginger, cinnamon and cardamon, was giving me more than my share of hot flashes. Or that by eating blueberries daily or more black beans occasionally I could further reduce the number of hot flashes per day.
These are just examples I’ve personally experienced but the list is not limited to my age and stage of life. These food cures can be applied to just about anyone to aid them in balancing their body and contributing in significant ways of improving their health. A new service I am offering is diet coaching, using this information on which foods may be most helpful ,as well as which to avoid to address your particular health challenges. Book it online!
All this writing is still making me hungry, so off I go to prepare a delicious supper, with foods to keep that internal digestive fire burning brightly. Whoo hoo and Cheerio til next time.
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